APIs and Services Every Ethereum Developer Should Know

Discover the APIs and service that will help you get data and build on top of Ethereum. We selected this services that are free or offer generous free plans and listed them in different categories for you to use. The list was made in no particular order and I already used most of the services listed above with great pleasure. If I forgot a cool API, let us know in the comment section or contact us.

Ethereum Data

  • Etherscan is definitely the most famous block explorer for the Ethereum chain and offers a lot of APIs that can be used to get transaction details, account balance and even event logs filtered by contract address or log topic.
  • The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, starting with Ethereum. It makes it possible to query data that is difficult to query directly. You can see our article about it on how to retrieve the latest flash loans on Aave.
  • Eth gas station is has its name says the best place to know about what is the current gas price that should be used.
  • BlockCypher offers a rich API that will let you access transactions, blocks in a simple way. But has also nice indexed data like detail about addresses and contracts.
  • Amber Data offers a ot of blockchain data as an API and is also combined with price feed and exchanges information.

Node providers

  • Infura is the most famous node provider that has a really generous free plan for developers to get started on Ethereum.
  • Quicknode is similar to Infura and has also a free plan. Quicknode offers also paid plugins like archive node access and events subscription through webhooks.
  • ArchiveNode.io is an initiative to provide a free node provider to help developers and small teams get access to an archival node for free. We covered it here.

Token Data

  • CoinGecko is the best place you can query information about markets and tokens for free. Their data is really clean and aggregate a ton of exchanges and price feed.
  • Crypto Compare gives acces to price, historic data, top list of tokens on Ethereum and other chains.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

  • 1inch API offers access to real time dex prices. The API even let you generate transactions that will execute trades on the listed DEXes.
  • 0x API aggregate liquidity from 0x Mesh, Kyber, Uniswap, and more and swap tokens at the best price.

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